Friday, August 17, 2012

Hi, Cousin Patrick! This is your favorite cousin, Derek. I'm here to tell you about your beautiful baby daughter, Simran and your lovely wife, Chini. But first, you wanted to know who was my favorite Civil War general and which battle I'm gonna find the most interesting. Well, Patrick, here it goes! My favorite Civil War general was Robert E. Lee because he was the most famous Civil War general during the great Civil War which begun in 1861 and ended in 1865. Robert E. Lee was from the South, so Lee and all the other Southern Civil War generals lost the Civil War in 1865, but the North finally won it. The battle I did find the most interesting would be the Battle of Gettysburg because that was the year 1863 when the Battle of Gettysburg was fought. When President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation about the Gettysburg Address in 1863, he told the people that the Battle of Gettysburg would be a great and steady battle during the Civil War. I'm a genius about the Civil War, Patrick, and I know every Civil War general, including my favorite one, Robert E. Lee. That's all I know about the Civil War, and Patrick, remember you could always go online and check out all the famous Civil War generals, the famous battles, and even President Abraham Lincoln who was president during the Civil War. Good-bye to my favorite cousin, Patrick, and remember, I could always see you, Chini and baby Simran when you come down to visit me and I love you!

Hello, Aunt Stephanie! It's your nephew, Derek. Let me tell you about a very nice job I had at work today. The workplace that you work at is called Gentiva Health Care, which is formerly known as Odyssey Health Care. At Gentiva Health Care, I filed all of the monthly letters in bereavement charts, or folders. First I wrote down 8/15/12 and VOL in every monthly letter and then I put in every person's bereavement name which was on the letters in every bereavement chart. That was an easy job to do, Aunt Stephanie. On Thursday, you're gonna have a man from a different health care helping you out with some bereavement work, so I won't be at work on Thursday. I'm gonna be at work next Friday instead, so you just wrote me down a little note on a little blue label so I can show it to my dad. Next Friday, you can find me a lot of work to do, Aunt Stephanie. You are a very good aunt to me, and it proves that your house got new siding, a new roof and some new windows. Well, Aunt Stephanie, I gotta go now and I'll see you at work next Friday. Love you, Aunt Stephanie! See you later! Buh-bye!


  1. haha way to be modest about knowing things about the Civil War, D.

  2. Thanks Derek! And we will see you when we're back in Wisconsin!
