Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Hi, everybody! My name is Derek Zeman. This is my first time using my blog on the computer, and thanks for sharing and looking at my blog with me. Well, here I go! If I could be on a reality TV show, I would be on the Bachelor. I would like to meet 25 beautiful women on the show because they were just coming out of their limos and I would give each of them a single rose. When host Chris Harrison finds out that I am the Bachelor coming out the limo for my very first time, he needs to talk to me about where I'm from, what I do for a living and having my own family. Chris would say to me, "Derek, it's about time you're going to meet 25  beautiful women saying hi to you and getting to know you. But before you do that, just step outside and wait for the first limo to arrive." And now I can take each and every woman out on dates, until it gets down to the final two women on the season finale of the Bachelor. I don't know who am I gonna pick, but I'll have to wait to find out. I also like to be on Big Brother because I'll have to be in the Big Brother house and play very hard. When I become Head of Household, I would like to tell the other players to go to the meeting and nominate someone for eviction. When Big Brother host Julie Chen finds out that I'm the Head of Household, she says to me, "Derek, as current Head of Household, you cannot vote for two people who were nominated for eviction. Only the other players can vote for two nominees to be evicted from the Big Brother house tonight." Now I'll have to wait to see about who's going home or staying at the Big Brother house tonight.

Now I'm ready for the second answer about going to St. James Church. My father, Tammy, my little niece Natalie, Becky and I always attend St. James Church every Sunday because we like to pray, sing, kneel down and hear Mother Lisa saying something during the Sermon. What I like about St. James Church is getting to know the members of the church going there and they know me. I get to know Mother Lisa, Deacon Terry, Lorraine Garner, Sue Gillman, Robert and Susan Wilson, a guy named Bob, Erica Schuller and her husband Brett, Dorota Pulski and others. St. James Church is an old-fashioned church located in Downtown Milwaukee and it has a steeple, beautiful red doors on the left and right sides, stained-glass windows, beautiful flowers and even a statue of Mary on the left side of the church. Well, that's all I have to say about St. James Church and also about going there and meeting people who went to St. James Church on Sundays.

Thank you, everybody, for reading my blog and I've been looking forward to share my blog to some of Becky's friends and even my best friend, Calvin. See you soon! Good-bye! Derek


  1. Good job DD...I don't go to church with you EVERY sunday but I should. Look forward to reading more from you.

  2. Blogs are such a cool way to update people on what you're feeling and what's happening in your life. This is a really great start!

    I would watch every episode if you were on The Bachelor. That's saying a lot because I've never seen the show before!

    Thanks for getting to know both Susan and me. We really enjoy the loving community of St. James' and all of the times that we spend together!

    I can't wait to read more of your blog. Will you write some more?
