Saturday, October 6, 2012

Hey, Calvin! It's your best friend, Derek, and I'm here on my blog to tell you about your party I had. My dad dropped me off at your house so I can meet you, your friends, your mom Sheila and your dad David. First I played basketball for awhile till it got dark, then David called all of us to come have a weiner roast. So we went to the backyard and we each got a stick to put our hot dogs on. I put my hot dog on a stick, and then I walked to the campfire so I can roast my hot dog until it got hot and cooked. After that, I put my hot dog on a bun, filled it with ketchup, mustard and relish, got some baked beans, some chips, some vegetables and dip, two Halloween cookies and even some chocolate-covered pretzels. Then I found myself a chair over by the campfire and I sat on it and ate and ate my life away. Then Sheila said, "It's time to make some S'mores!" I was so excited to make a S'more for dessert, so I walked to the table and grabbed my stick. I put a giant marshmallow on it, and then I roasted it on the campfire until it got browned. Then I put my marshmallow on two pieces of graham cracker and also put chocolate on it. That's how I made a S'more, so I sat down next to the campfire and ate my delicious S'more. Then you came over to me and you said, "Derek, do you want to make a pumpkin by using toilet paper?" And I said, "Yeah, Calvin, let's do that!" So after we left the backyard where the campfire and the food was, we were ready to make our toilet paper pumpkins. The guys had to go to the patio and the girls had to go to the garage to make their pumpkins. I sat down on the patio chair and David gave me a roll of toilet paper, some orange lining and a green stem to get started working on my pumpkin. First I put orange lining around the toilet paper till it got orange, then I pushed in a green stem for the top of my pumpkin. When my pumpkin was finished, I got out a pen and a little orange post-it so I can write my name on it. I put my name inside the top of my pumpkin, and suddenly Sheila said, "It's time to go to the doughnut tree and eat doughnuts with our mouths! But remember, please put your hands behind your backs to do that, okay?" So me, Calvin, and Calvin's friends went over to the doughnut tree and there were a lot of apple cider doughnuts hanging from the tree. I found myself a doughnut hanging, so I put my hands behind my back and started eating the doughnut with my mouth. That was fun to do! After I ate the doughnut that was hanging from the tree, Sheila gave me my finished pumpkin made of toilet paper so I won't forget it, and then I waited for my dad to come pick me up. I had a really fun time at your party, Calvin, and remember, you can always say that I would like to come over to your house again someday so we can play basketball and watch some movies. When my dad pulled up to the side of the driveway, I said good-bye to Sheila, David, your friends, and even you, Calvin! Then I walked to the car, got in, put my seat belt on and showed my dad my pumpkin I made out of toilet paper. Then we drove home right from Calvin's house. It's getting late already, so I'll be getting out of my blog now, Calvin, and remember that your best friend, Derek, likes you so much! See ya, Calvin, and I'm signing off! Bye!

1 comment:

  1. Derek you're so silly for saying you were eating your life away. Remember, you don't need to eat everything!

    Does Calvin know about your blog yet? i'm look forward to more posts!
